Anyone who wants to send some encouragement to Caleb

Caleb's NEW Address:
132 Hillside Dr
Norfolk, NE 68701

Elkhorn Valley Bank
Caleb R. Baber Medical Fund
800 West Benjamin Avenue
P.O. Box 1007
Norfolk, NE 68702-1007
Phone: 402-371-0722

Recovery in full swing

Recovery in full swing

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Studying, also running

A student is not an individual enrolled in classes or even someone who attends classes. A student is one who studies. Studies subjects and concepts not "for exams." The end is not a grade it is knowledge and understanding of subjects and disciplines that can be used. Exams are only tools to determine to what extent the discipline and subject has bee understood. I too often confuse the priority of learning with that of getting an A or graduating.

I'm setting a goal: to wake up before classes early enough to read about what my classes cover each day. I don't want to study for exams I want to review what I've already studied. To aid me in this endeavor I've enlisted the help of coffee, hence the cup picture. (I just realized I don't know how to properly use the word "hence" but I'm leaving it in anyway.)

The 5k is Saturday.
I'm stoked.
A little nervous too.
I hope I don't have too much trouble with my legs; it is a long run.
I'm going to finish regardless; I would just prefer to be able to walk afterward.

1 comment:

Tami Tucker said...

Call me after the race & let me know how you did. I love you & please be careful! Mom