Anyone who wants to send some encouragement to Caleb

Caleb's NEW Address:
132 Hillside Dr
Norfolk, NE 68701

Elkhorn Valley Bank
Caleb R. Baber Medical Fund
800 West Benjamin Avenue
P.O. Box 1007
Norfolk, NE 68702-1007
Phone: 402-371-0722

Recovery in full swing

Recovery in full swing

Wednesday, January 21, 2009


Well, I can see that my son has not posted an update for quite awhile. KIDS!!!! Let's see if I can remember what I should. On Wednesday after I talked to Caleb he fell outside Border's in Omaha & his leg started to bleed. His step mom took him back to Lincoln for the Dr to look at and evidently all was O.K. I remind myself that there are going to be falls. But I still hate it. Probably more so now than when he was learning to walk the first time. He didn't have as far to fall when he was little!!!

Caleb was invited to go to India at the end of February with Doug Shippee, the President of Dalit Freedom Network. He's checked with all of his Dr's & they have given the O.K. as long as there are no "open" wounds. They are going to see the first graduating class from the school. Caleb is extremely excited about this trip. He wants to see "his boys" again. I am sure this trip will post several challenges for him, but as I've said before, he is a determined young man.

This morning he has another appointment with the burn Dr at 10:30. His aunt Theresa is taking him to this one. I will post more when I hear from Caleb after his appointment.

I stumbled upon another blog that Caleb had started back in Feb. The title amazed me: o, to grace how great a debtor ............I didn't have time to read a lot of it, but one line in particular jumped out at me. "Perhaps one day, I will look back and see a path that God led me down that leads to the place of understanding and wisdom that I am looking for in my present. For now, Jesus must be my guide to understanding Him and me in clarity, honesty, and truth. "

I must get back to work! I will encourage Caleb to keep in touch better!!! Thank you for all your thoughts, & prayers!! I can never say that enough!!! Love, Tami

1 comment:

Hannah Elisabeth said...

thanks for posting an update!
I can't even imagine how much the trip to India is going to bless him and all the people he sees, and especially "his boys" as they see his spirit still so alive and well despite everything. I am so amazed at God's work!!!!