Anyone who wants to send some encouragement to Caleb

Caleb's NEW Address:
132 Hillside Dr
Norfolk, NE 68701

Elkhorn Valley Bank
Caleb R. Baber Medical Fund
800 West Benjamin Avenue
P.O. Box 1007
Norfolk, NE 68702-1007
Phone: 402-371-0722

Recovery in full swing

Recovery in full swing

Tuesday, September 30, 2008


ok so ALOT of people have been wanting ot get on board for this apple bees thing so i think its best if the date is changed to the 15th instead of the 8th (that is comming so fast)

whoever reads this, this is how you get coupons to start it in your town

call the apple bees or go in.
ask to speak with the mananger/boss
tell them the name of the fund raiser and possibly about the acount we have set up and tell them the date you want to have it
they will provide the coupons

***the only way we get 15 percent is if the customers have the coupon.get a many coupons as you can and copy them, scan them, fax them, do whatever you can

1 comment:

BLT said...

Hey Sara,
I'll be visiting the Prescott AZ Applebee's his week. Thank YOU for this most excellent fund raiser idea!