Anyone who wants to send some encouragement to Caleb

Caleb's NEW Address:
132 Hillside Dr
Norfolk, NE 68701

Elkhorn Valley Bank
Caleb R. Baber Medical Fund
800 West Benjamin Avenue
P.O. Box 1007
Norfolk, NE 68702-1007
Phone: 402-371-0722

Recovery in full swing

Recovery in full swing

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Answered Prayer!!!

I apologize for not getting this posted earlier, but at 6:15am I got a call from Rani (Caleb's sister), who spent the night with him, that Caleb's digestive system in working!! Who-hoo!!!!

I've talked with Caleb and he sounds good & is very glad to be getting water for now. THANK YOU to all who prayed for relief! He said he was trying to get caught up on email.

Dad & Family left this morning & Grandma & Grandpa should be there sometime tomorrow. We have not been told when the next surgery is scheduled. Please pray that God would hold Caleb under his wing while he is waiting for more family to get there. That he would not "feel" alone. (It's a mom thing, I know)

I'll post more later. Thanks!! Love, Tami

1 comment:

Jgebbie said...

Congratulations on your stomach trouble subsiding! My prayers are with you that you continue to heal and move on to the next step of your journey. My prayers are also with your family because I know how desperately they all want to be with you all of the time. Have a blessed day today Caleb!
