Anyone who wants to send some encouragement to Caleb

Caleb's NEW Address:
132 Hillside Dr
Norfolk, NE 68701

Elkhorn Valley Bank
Caleb R. Baber Medical Fund
800 West Benjamin Avenue
P.O. Box 1007
Norfolk, NE 68702-1007
Phone: 402-371-0722

Recovery in full swing

Recovery in full swing

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Real Food

Todd talked to Caleb over lunch & he was VERY excited. He was able to eat some real food, so they were bringing on the Chicken Nuggets!!!

He sounded good when I talked to him over my lunch too. Please continue to pray that his left leg heals exceptionally well.

He was getting ready to teach Grandma how to use the computer. He was confident that she'd be able to pick it up. I am so glad he is having this time with his grandparents. I know that being able to get to know my Grandma Goodwater on a deeper level has been such a Blessing!!

I am getting excited to go back to TN to see him. This next week won't go fast enough. Hours are getting cut back at Nucor & so Todd needs to stay to work Mon-Wed & then we will take off for TN after that. Thank you for all your prayers. They mean a lot to all of us!!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow! I'm glad you told us how to do the comments! I'm so amazed at the strength your families have shown over the last weeks. You truly are a testament to your belief in a loving and sustaining God! I've been praying morning and night (and thru the day)for the situations your family is going through, Tamara, as it seems it all hit at once. Love, Kat