Praises to our God & King
Caleb woke up this morning!!! It was so good to really see him for the first time. He's been talking a little but because of the tube in his throat for so long he can little more than whisper. With Mom's crappy hearing I almost had to crawl up on the bed to hear him, but what a beautiful sound it was!!! He said he was sorry that he was so stupid.........Oh Caleb, please don't think about that now.
I am just so happy it's hard to control the tears!!!
They are thinking about another surgery on Friday to possibly close up his right leg & his left arm with skin grafting. I dont' know what that will mean in terms of being awake, but for the moment we are enjoying seeing our Caleb with us!!!
One thing I want to point out is he has a team of Dr's. There are four all together. One is not here yesterday or today, & we just talked to the one about surgery on Friday, so I'm sure they will confer & make the final decision about Friday on Thursday.
Please pray for me, mom as I am looking to go home & work the next week. There are just some things I need to "train" people on & then return the following week so Marc can go home. That is such a hard thing to think about, but we don't know at this point how long Caleb will remain here. I want to stay so badly, but I really feel God is leading to take care of work, banking things for Caleb etc. But I am asking for prayer. I am understanding how hard it's been for his sister & brother to leave when they did.
Anyway, I wanted to share that WONDERFUL news with everyone............God Bless & thank you for the prayers!!!
Recovery in full swing

Wednesday, October 1, 2008
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We are praising God and rejoicing with you that Caleb woke! We will also be praying for comfort for you and Caleb as you go home, Tami. I know it will be very difficult to leave, but remember that Caleb will still be in His (his heavenly Father's) most capable hands and what better place is there to be!?! We love you all.
Randy & Leslie
That is awesome!! I am so pleased for you all! I know it will be hard to go home for a bit, but the most important person of all will be with him 24/7 and you know that for sure! The time will fly and you will be back and hopefully his progress will astound you when you return. I am so excited for you!
Love ya
I am tearful and speechless... Sometimes silent adoration says it all.
Ps. 91:1 "He who dwells in the shelter of the MOST HIGH will abide under the shadow of the ALMIGHTY."
May we all savor this moment!!
Oceans of joy,
I am SO HAPPPY for you!!! You'll be able to leave Caleb because you believe in your heart that God is with him always. With Steph being gone I have really had to learn to let go, (more than I want) but am so happy to know there is one more child spending eternity in God's light. But not now, and I am so excited to see what plans our Father has in store for your son. Bless you and your family. I am proud to be called a friend. love in our Dad....cheryl
There are no words or actions to accurately describe or express the miracle of Caleb's awakening. My heart sings for you and everyone who has been standing vigil during this time of uncertainty. Even though it's inconvenient to travel so many miles, it's a blessing that you will be traveling to and from a Caleb who is on the road to recovery.
Much Love,
Beck & Mom
im gleaming from ear to ear knowing that caleb has finally spoke to you!! How amazing! what a blessing god has been to your family in this time! I think i can speak for all of us back here in Norfolk NE when i say that weve NEVER stopped praying for caleb to pull through..and i believe god listens to our prayers!! Caleb is an amazing young man whom were so glad to be friends with! Please know were thinking of you all everyday and confident that god will keep spirits high and keep blessing you all!! GOD BLESS!! Amy Dowson
of course caleb is going to wake up
he has to brag to everybody that he was on national news
ha, im just kidding
i can picture him in my head smiling and talking to you guys and it makes my heart happy
praising the lamb,
Tears form in the corners of my eyes just thinking about him waking and talking. I praise God for all that He is doing and will continue to do for Caleb and the entire family.
Romans 1: 9-12
Nate Purdum
It is so great to hear the news, I have been praying that Caleb would come thru. Today I was talking with a friend here in Hutchinson and we started talking about Caleb and my friend said that they will put Caleb in thier pray chain here and pray for him and the family. It is so great to see God work in his own ways. God bless.
Steve and Tammy Purdum
Hutchinson KS
God gave you an awesome gift today! I'm so happy for you and your family! May God continue to give you all encouragement and may He continue to strengthen Caleb each day. Oh to be in the everlasting arms of the Father!
Dear Tami and family,
Sharing in the shouts for joy and prayers of thanksgiving for this great news! Caleb (and family too) was prayed for at the Hour of Power at Church of the Apostles in Atlanta this evening and I was thinking of you all as we sang this song:
God will make a way,
Where there seems to be no way
He works in ways we cannot see
He will make a way for me
He will be my guide
Hold me closely to His side
With love and strength for each new day
He will make a way, He will make a way.
We KNOW the love and power of God and we put our trust in Him. Praying and rejoicing with you, Sarah
Yay for Caleb!!!! That is so great to hear that he had woke up!!!! I am so happy for him!!!! He is progressing day by day and will get better as time comes.
Like I previously stated I wish I could be there in Tennessee with Caleb as a supporting friend but have no way to get there or have the money.
Please tell Caleb Hi for me and that I am keeping him in my thoughts and prayers.
There are alot of people back here in Nebraska that are thinking and praying for him daily.
I hope Caleb doesn't stop being an amazing person. He does so much for others that the our Heavenly Father asks.
Caleb is very talented. I hope one day soon when he gets out of the hospital I can get to see him again.
Again I am so glad to hear that Caleb is doing well and also again please tell Caleb Hi and that I am keeping him in my thoughts and prayers.
From a caring friend,
Renee Stepp
This is such good news! And this shows how Great our God is! I have been praying everyday and so has many others in Cleveland! I am keep smiling cause this is such great news! I will be praying for the surgery's coming up along with safe traveling for family and the loved ones. Thank you for all the updates! It has been very much appreciated!
Whitney Barton
Please tell Caleb that His aunt and Uncle and cousins Love him. The boys and I pray for him every day.
David, Suzi, Austin,& Coltin
We are so excited for your wonderful news. I cried when I read that Caleb was sorry. That sounds like him. Tami, you are quite a writer. Thanks again for keeping all of us informed.
Mike and Sue Jacoby-- Las Vegas
Praise God! It's be a long time coming. When Levi told me I saw shocked o say the least. I could see that God was working in Tenn, in many different ways. The new of Caleb hit to the top. Your Bro. was onto of the world. We continue to pray that this will just speed your recovery and give comfort to the family as the Dr. decide what the next steps are alone with the family deciding where the need to be. We have a merciful God!
Caleb and Family,
The first thing that popped in my head when I heard Caleb was awake was this:
Praise God From Whom All Blessings Flow,
Praise Him All Creatures Here Below,
Praise Him Above Ye Heavenly Hosts,
Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost.
God has a great work in store for Caleb.
Tom & Pat
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